A bit delayed but seeing as August came and went in the blink of an eye, it caught me by surprise!
The combination of heat and humidity have caused a bird's nest to develop on my head. Between the poof and the frizz, I am no longer recognizable (or able to be taken seriously). Therefore, I would like to extend a sincere appreciation for the phallic-like bottle that helps tame some of my hair. Mind you, it's not a miracle worker but it eases some of the horrors. Any anti-frizz/anti-fro products, please send my way. You never know when I'll need a back up!
Hello wonder bread! My lunch will never be the same thanks to this low-fat, low-maintenance, low-price bread rounds. I must admit it took a few days to get used to the smaller portion but now it's just right: not too full, not empty- Goldilocks would be proud. Add a bunch of grapes or an oatmeal bar and you're set to conquer the day! Nap time, not included.
(fyi, your regular super market carries the 8 pack. Costco, aka heaven, has the 24 pack- when you share your life with a man who eats two sandwiches for lunch, this edition sure comes in handy.)
This porcelain cup of joe has made my mornings sweet and bright! One of the best purchases I've made in a while: eco friendly, wallet friendly and a girl's best wake up call.

I tried. I really did try to avoid Glee at all costs. The songs, the peppiness, the dancing, even the bright colors drew me in but, I didn't want to become an addict. All it took was some homoerotic dancing, football and Beyonce to mesmerize me. Thank you Netflix for putting me up to speed.
I also must mention the fab wardrobe provided by Ms. Emma Pillsbury:
I am in love with her accessories! Where can I get my own telephone pin? Or beautiful teal skirt?! I have found a new fashion icon to add to my list.
You can never resist Glee when Kirk decided to try out for the part of kicker and kicked his heart out to Single Ladies...countdown to September 21
(NPH won't be back on Glee *sadface* thanks to HIMYM)
Dahnya! (It's Avi!) I feel the same way about GLEE :) I'm not a fan of the homogenized voices, but the choreography, the costumes, the music... and the never-ending banter between Will and Sue are part of what make it too hard to resist.
Have you seen the What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear? blog? Several wardrobe items from last season were from J.Crew and Anthropologie with some Milly and Forever 21 thrown in:
Good force of resistance to temptations I must learn, my portion of bread keeps growing! And so my belly I believe hehehe.
Bon apetite! you look great.
I love sandwich thins!! THEY ARE THE BEST!
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