Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First day jitters.

You know the feeling before your first day of anything (school, work, trip)- there's that fluttery buzz happening in the pit of your stomach?

I've got it.

Today is my first day on the new job. 

Am I excited?

But overruling that excitement is fear.
What if I made the wrong decision?
What if I've signed onto something bigger than I can chew?
What if I don't have the energy to carry it out?

Guys, I am not kidding when I say, professionally, this past year was rough. 
I keep telling myself, "nothing will beat the year you just went through" but at the same time stranger things have been known to happen. At least where I was things were somewhat predictable. This will all be uncharted territory (for me anyway). 

In an attempt to make myself feel a teeny bit better I've laid out my outfit (as well as Thursday and Friday's- stay tuned, I'm sure the suspense is killer). 

If nothing else I'll be wearing my lucky hoops and smelling good.

Here goes...everything.


Dr. Kim Pursch and Dr. Brooks Straub said...

You'll do great! I totally understand about feeling nervous, but I'm 100% certain that you're going to be a fast rising KIPP star! Can't wait to hear more about it!

Francis said...

Its gonna be awesome. Don't worry.

Wyatt said...

I can't wait to hear all about how things are going!