Friday, December 16, 2011

first semester: done.

It took forever but the two week break is finally here. I'm not going to lie, this has been the hardest semester of my life. 80 hour work weeks. Teaching all subjects (including phonics, hello I am ESL). Lunch duty. Morning duty. Afternoon duty. Seriously. WTF was I thinking living behind the glory days in Acres Homes?! 

Then I think about...
My teeny Bryan (literally the shortest kid in the 2nd grade). How his love for wrestling & wild animals lead to the most random stories at the most random times of the day but never fail to make me smile.

My Camillita & her need to be the best teacher's pet at Explore as well as everything else. Not to mention to hear her say the word, "little" will literally melt your heart.

I cannot forget to mention her amazingly cute illustrations, either.

Michael, who has caused white hairs to sprout but whose absentmindedness, creativity & non linear thinking have me thinking that maybe second grade Fran was probably like him. This will sometimes work in restoring my short well of patience.

Dylan, who while not in my class, will make my day upon uttering "good morning" in his unique twang. 

Or, Jorge, who if I could I would take home with me. On this day, he pointed out how our shoes were the same. Then jeans. Then shirt. And finally yelled, "twins!". 

The progression of the year has been long and painful. There's been nights where I have come home, dragged myself into the shower & bawled, ready to call in my resignation. Between Fran, our two dads & non-teaching friends, I have heard the "quit" speech multiple times. But, I can't. I seriously cannot. 

These 23 little peeps have me hooked around their pinkies. 

As crazy as they drive me, as frustrated as they can make me, as much as I can dislike them (that's right, I said it): they mean the world to me and because of that, I cannot throw in the towel. 

I only pray that this upcoming semester will require less sacrifices because this time, no matter what, I am putting myself, Fran, Doakes & family first. I am determined to become a better teacher for them by working on becoming a healthier, happier me.

It sounds selfish. It sounds un-teacherlike. But, I truly think that by doing this, my teaching mojo will come back & I'll be able to rock it once again. In the meantime, I'm dusting off my NYC bucket list. Northeast winter: here I come! 

PS: did I fail to mention just how well these teeny peeps know me? Just check out my christmas goods from them-

hello kitty, anthro, starbucks & ferrero: win, win, win! They ended the party with a bang leaving me such awesome loot.


Ale said...

Love your articulation!!! Very well said!!! Love having you as a teacher!!!

Unknown said...

I could not have expressed it better myself. I completly understand, and yes sometimes I don't like my students either. But i love them just the same. Have a wonderful break, Merry Christmas!

Becca said...

Oh, D! I'm glad to see the following things:
1) You are FINALLY posting again.
2) You seem happier.
3) Making yourself a priority will make you a better teacher though it may sound selfish. You cannot make someone else happy if you yourself are not. Si o no?
4) You're such a fabulous writer! We should have blog parties. Just came up with it. But I like the sound of it.

With mexican hot chocolate.

Anonymous said...

hi there! just found your blog--you're so cute! love it!

My husband and I lived in Austin, TX last year--definitely miss parts of it!
