Monday, February 8, 2010


After months of careful consideration, I finally found a book worthy of these lovely bookplates. Now, the book better live up to its expectations. Perhaps I should have waited until after I read the book...

Muchas gracias, Camillita! No pudiste haberme dado un mejor regalo! 


camille said...

Aww, espero el libro es digno que tu regalo!

Que libro escoges??

Oscarelmexicanopics said...

Pandi, if you until after you read the book, I would've not bought it in the first place haha.

Good luck, let me know how it was, I just read a Gabriel Garcia Marquez' book, and it was good.

Hugs, love

Leila! said...

Dahnya -- you are too funny. Yes, maybe you should have waited till afterwards!

Or, maybe because the awesome book plate is in the book, you will like it even more!