Thursday, February 18, 2010


It is known to all how much I bemoan leaving the classroom.

I miss building that day-to-day relationship with my students.
I miss my math meeting board.
I miss my marble jar.
I miss planning all the holiday parties.
I miss building relationships with my parents.
I miss grading papers.
I miss checking for homework.
I miss my treasure box.
I miss filling said box.
I miss writing out the day's activities on my board.
I miss writing notes in the kids agendas.
I miss planning field trips I get to be involved in.
I miss creating our class t-shirt.
I miss putting together projects.
I miss supervising awry science experiments.
I miss planning themed months.
I miss reading Sideways Stories from Wayside School (one of my all-time favorite books) to my homeroom.
I miss teaching.

However, I have finally found a niche in my position & building at this point, which is great. I feel I have built relationships with both teachers and students. I have a few students in each grade who have captured my heart and who I know I help in some small way each day.

I have a whole new plan laid out for next year that involves me working more with the teachers in their classrooms to help pull-out those struggling students; thereby giving me the opportunity to have the best of both worlds: that of an administrator & that of a teacher. Today, was one of those teacher days & I couldn't be more happy.

Raymundo Miller & Kimberly Guzman both were the representatives for our school at the HISD Bilingual Spelling Bee this afternoon. We didn't do very well- I think I took it harder than they did. But I've learned from my mistakes (I had the rules a bit mixed up & only taught them the Spanish words...* sigh *) and know that come this time next year Highland Heights will be coming home with first and second place! In the meantime, here is our beaming picture. The quality is fuzzy and it's not my most flattering picture but it truly was a moment of triumpth for me because I finally felt like a teacher after seven months of looking in.


Oscarelmexicanopics said...

Pandi: I guess you don't miss driving 100 miles hehehe.

I didn't get it, the two kids have a bid medal, either they didn't do well and everyone received a medal, or did they get 1st and 2nd place?

El Avioooooon?


Leila! said...

Wow Dahnya. I'm so proud of/excited for you! I really don't have it in me to do what you do, so when I hear you talk about it, I'm always amazed. It's awesome that you found your niche. It sounds well suited! They are lucky to have you.

Wyatt said...

Those kids truly are lucky to have someone like you in their life! I remember being in elementary school and thinking that the younger teachers were the coolest people in the entire world, I'm sure you have no clue what an impression you're making on them!

Dahnya said...
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Francis said...

I second what Heidi said! I'm lucky enough to hear about what goes on at Highland Heights (and Dayton before that) and I know that you make a lasting impact on everyone you encounter at school. Your dedication and force of will shows. You are amazing at what you do and I couldn't be happier to be along for the ride.