Friday, June 11, 2010

A few of my favorite things...

One of the most coolest things I have experienced while planning for the wedding has definitely been touring the flower warehouse on Leeland with Laura, the florist we hired. 

It was a flower wonderland! I was scheduled to meet her at noon with strict instructions to bring along a coat. I was almost inclined to disregard her directive due to the 90 degree weather we have been experiencing but I unpacked my winter clothes and dragged a sweater to the appointment. Laura was right, I would have been a fool to walk into the flower cooler without some sort of woolen protection because the 45 degree storeroom had my legs breaking out in goosebumps the full time we were in there. 

Even with the discomfort of the cold, nothing could obliterate the beauty unfolding in box after box of flowers. Everywhere you turned there was a different stem for you to admire and fawn over. As we walked the aisles, Laura took diligent notes on my exclamations of excitement. How she's ever going to decide what to place the actual day of the wedding, I'll never know because truly every flower she showed me was gorgeous. Here's a small peek into the delights of the day:

As the day of the wedding approaches, the butterflies in my stomach increase- June 25th, hurry please! 


Wyatt said...

beautiful! I hope some of those purple pom-pom ball flowers make an appearance!

Dahnya said...

Me too, Heidi, me too!

Leila! said...

Don't you think it would be kind o fun to have a job like Laura's?

Watching people react to beautiful things and then getting to put something together for them...? I like the concept.