Monday, June 14, 2010

May faves

Nicole came up with a great entry where she shared a few of her favorite finds for the month of May. I enjoyed reading it so much I thought I would give it a try myself. Hope you enjoy any of the following as much as I have!

1. Starbucks red velvet cupcakes
The calories in one cupcake are at 300 and when paired with my chai latte the numbers are astronomical. However an occasional lapse will prove otherworldly.

2. MAC liquid eyeliner
With the increase in heat and humidity I was ending the day with racoon-smudged eyes. It was not a pretty sight. Thanks to this little pot of miracles that is no longer the case. At first I was rather intimidated by the dipping and painting but after your first application, it comes as natural as breathing. It's only been a few weeks that MAC has resided in my crowded makeup bag but I can't imagine my morning routine without it.

3. Romance, romance and more romance!
I'm a huge romance fanatic as it is but ever since my last day of work for the school year if I'm not attempting to pack or paint or clean the new house, I'm devouring a book. This is just a small preview of what has been quickly snapped off my nightstand. None of the books are books you could claim as challenging or enlightening but, it's not what I am currently seeking in a book. All I ask for is a sweet (but strong) hero, a sassy heroine and a long awaited happy ending! Which is what each of these have provided and then some. 

4. Jolie notes
I stopped by ph design studio (over priced but still lovely) to pick up some thank you cards & encountered something tres magnifique. I have been procrastinating in writing out my merci's because I just cannot bear to part with such sweet cards yet. I can only hope they will bring as much joy to the recipients as they've brought me! 

5. Antidote
Located a few blocks from our future home, antidote serves a little bit of everything. A bar when you want it to be, a coffee shop when needed and a treat shop when craving some chocolate. The people watching is some of the best due to the eclectic bunch that come in and out of its doors. For the past few weeks you can find me happily reading (or writing lists) outside in their cozy patio enjoying the summer heat with an ice cold chai.  

I'll be eagerly adding to my June favorites as the month progresses. Until soon!


Leila! said...

VERY cute concept!
I think I'll give this a try sometime.

I am going to try out that MAC eyeliner! Thanks for the recommendation.

Also, I'd like to check out Antidote sometime.

Patty Sanchez said...

Love it!! Like the new books!! Might try those soon ;-) Did you see Eat Love and Pray is a new movie?? Can't wait!!

Oscarelmexicanopics said...

You are a Marketing victim, no wonder they say that Women will buy something they don't need that is marked down, and men will buy something we need at twice the price. Any relation Venus / Mars?

Hugs, love

Becca said...

1) Excellent entry!
2) Those cards are too cute!
3) Antidote sounds amazing. Yet another great reason to move to the Heights.
4) You and your romances! Granted, I can't really speak seeing as all I read are young adult fantasy and fiction books. :-)
5) Those Red Velvet Cupcakes are quite delicious. Red Velvet's my current favorite dessert. Yum, yum, yum.

Hope we can book it soon!

Wyatt said...

You have to show me how to use that eyeliner, I'm so intimidated!

Nicole said...

I am sooooo upset that I accidentially deleted my mayvorites entry.....but I WILL be continuing this trend and I am so happy that you adopted it!!! I can't wait to see what you bring to us for this month! I have already begun my list of faves for June!

I must say, too, that I am a little sad that your new reading chair did not make it on the list this month....maybe next month. ;) ;)