Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July favorites

It's been a whirlwind of a month! Fran & I celebrated our one month anniversary. Traipsed through the beautiful lush hills of Ireland, post bashed in Connecticut, and are in the midst of creating a home within Mildred. There's been so many things that have come across me this month that I fell in love with but I have somehow narrowed it down to the top 5.

1. Shadowbox & Clinique blush

For the past year I have faithfully applied Precious Posy by Clinique on my cheeks. The day before leaving for Ireland, poor Posy reached it's last legs- it turned on me by smattering it's bright hue throughout my entire makeup bag. Needless to say, I was not pleased. Luckily, I had a spare that I had yet to use that I quickly replaced it with (after wiping down the bag and all its contents). I didn't think Precious Posy could be so easily taken over but, thanks to Smashbox's Supermodel's dual tones I can easily go from my everyday rosy to instant glam in a swoop. Whereas before, I had my special, "going out blush" which consisted of me doubling Posy's application. 

2. Hoover Impulse

If you're anything like me, and haven't a clue as to how to properly sweep the floor: the Hoover Impulse is the gadget your kitchen (or bathroom floor) and you need. It's small, compact, easily fits into any corner (or if we had more storage space, a closet) and simple to use. Add a dash of some Fabuloso into its container & I am happily squirting soapy water throughout Mildred's kitchen floor, scrubbing away dirt. But, the best part (and the hardest part about mopping the old fashioned way for me) is that the Impulse vacuums the water up for you as you go! I never would have looked at this and thought, "I need this in my house" but it was an off registry wedding gift that I cannot live without. Thank you, Xio!

3. Red pepper jelly

Yes, I know. It sounds like an oxymoron but, believe me when you spread red pepper jelly onto your turkey-cheese sandwich, it will be a feast for your senses. Hyperbole? I think not. It adds a hint of sweetness with a bite of red pepper that you will not be able to get enough of. I discovered the wonders of this jam while visiting Fran's family in CT. My mother in law swears by it and now I know why. You can find it in the jam section of your local grocery store for $1.99- if nothing else it's a two dollar gamble. 

4. The Paper Source 

While exploring Highland Village the other day, I came across the Paper Source and was instantly delighted. Located directly next to Sprinkles (which, I held off tasting in an attempt to shed post-wedding pounds: I know miracles do happen) this little paper shop is a treat to walk through. They have a wide assortment of beautiful cards, stamps, wrapping paper and trinkets. It's the kind of store you could walk into and find a sweet gift for anybody on your list. What had me super impressed was its entire wall of multi-colored envelopes (where were they back in May when I scavenged all of Houston for purple envelopes?!). 

5. Traveling with my hubs, Francis

31 days into our marriage we have spent half of that time traveling throughout & I could not find a better companion (well, he could enjoy posing for pictures a little more). Two of my favorite traveling moments occurred on our flight home from Ireland. One of which was spotting Taylor Hawkins, the Foo Fighters' drummer, on our flight. We didn't quite stalk him but we sure did do the heavy stare- at which point Fran was caught on multiple occasions, eliciting a nervous giggle from him. I don't think I've ever laughed harder! The other was having my soon-to-be 25 year old husband choosing to watch How to Train your Dragon on our flight home and sharing his merriment with the rest of the plane. I love him and his goofy, sweet self! Can you tell I'm still in the midst of newly wed bliss? 


Leila! said...

I've never craved jelly more than I do right now. I've never tried that kind, but after reading your description -- all I can think of is how good it would taste!!! Must try it. NOW.

Wyatt said...

On the hunt for the Hoover. I have a feeling it will be one of my "life favorites!"