Friday, December 3, 2010

Sprinkles sampler!

In my search for the best cupcake shop, I stopped by Sprinkles and rounded up four different cupcakes:

1. Pumpkin 
2. Maple spice
3. Peanut butter, chocolate chip
4. Red velvet (always)

Add a full glass of milk and you've got a perfect evening. Okay, so maybe not a full evening because those little cakes were wolfed down within minutes. Conclusions? 

Red velvet, pumpkin: delicious! 
The icing on the red velvet was particularly creamy. 
The maple spice was good but, the icing was a bit too sweet (yes, there is such a thing). 

As far as the fourth cake, pass. The peanut butter was extremely strong and slightly bitter, for a cake, it was not very sweet. I ended up throwing it out because even Fran thought it sucked. 

I still think I'm torn between Celebrity and Sugarbaby's for best cupcakes...a sample showdown may need to take place...

PS: It's Britney. And she's back in just a few short months! March, to be exact.


Becca said...

Gurl, I will have to get you some Cupcake Truck cupcakes and bring them over soon.

They are the most very moist cupcakes I have yet to enjoy. Their icing is sweet but simple and not overpowering, plus the guy who drives the truck is super nice!

We will just have to plan a visit to Mildred sometime on a weekday and I will bring dessert!

Matt Giampietro said...

I think and Fran might agree that you should search for the best frosting-less cupcake out there.

Emily said...

you should try the strawberry cupcake at sprinkles - it's my favorite!

Wyatt said...

I've come to the conclusion that each cupcake place has their *star* cupcake that's better than the rest. My all time fav: the fleur de sal from Celebrity. I think Sugarbaby's are my least fav cupcake, but favorite little shop! Who can resist the girly decor and black and white floors?!