Monday, August 30, 2010

Double the sweetness

Saturday afternoon, toward closing time, I walked into Sugarbaby's to buy a birthday cupcake for a friend. Of course, I couldn't order just one so I guiltily asked for a second to take home for myself. Both cupcakes were prettily wrapped up and when reaching for my wallet, the cashier nonchalantly adds that she added two complimentary cupcakes in the box. I don't know who was more shocked, me by the act or her with my squeal of glee. 

In my cloud of calorie filled happiness I didn't think to ask why but, here is my conclusion: I walked into Sugarbaby's about 15 minutes to closing time. Maybe they tend to give away cupcakes before shutting down? If so, I must make sure to subject all future birthday cupcake purchases towards closing time so as to extend the joy to people other than the birthday gal (or boy). 

By the way, this had only happened to me one other time at Inversion on Montrose. Fran and I came away with a whole bag of pastries that fulfilled my breakfast for an entire week! 


Becca said...


How spectacular!

Wyatt said...

Yum! That vanilla one with the tiny flower looks adorable!

Have you tried Sprinkles yet? I hate to burst any bubbles, but after waiting (twice!) in super long lines, I have to announce that...its overrated.

Dahnya said...

It's funny you mention that! I actually had gone to sprinkles, hit a lady with the door because it was so crowded & quickly realized that the shop was teeny! Too teeny to justify sharing the limited oxygen with so many other cupcake crazed people. I walked out & headed to sugar instead.

Sprinkles better do something about that line- it gives a girl too much time to contemplate the calories she's about to ingest.

Good blog entry: comparing crave, sprinkles, celebrity cupcakes, sugarbabys & the cupcake lady- which is better...?

Becca said...

Write it, D!!

Oscarelmexicanopics said...

So many calories, I hope you burn them all! Bon apetite!


Leila! said...
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Leila! said...

Hahaha -- it's true! The longer you wait in line, the more likely you are to realize how bad the purchase is going to be.

Cupcake calories are totally worth it though! :P

I still haven't tried Sugarbaby though! I will soon.
Glad they treated you so nicely!