Sunday, August 29, 2010

Adieu Angelika!

This afternoon when I first read the facebook status that the Angelika had closed down, I couldn't believe it. In fact, I thought it was one of those, "it's getting ready to shut down- let's rally the troops" kind of a thing. But as the day progressed and the facebook statuses grew to include legitimate links, my bubble of hope popped. 

The Angelika holds so many memories! Anyone remember "date night at the Angelika"? This is where Fran and I would spend our Monday nights as students at UST taking full advantage of the $5 tickets and popcorn, instead of writing papers or catching up on our assigned readings. Maybe we should have frequented on other days of the full priced week every once in a while...

This is also where I came to watch countless "artsy" movies with my movie buff little sister and afterwards enjoy brownie sundaes at the Hard Rock cafe. I wish I had known they were leaving. I could have truly soaked in the gray walls with their old Hollywood posters the last time I walked in. Nothing beat walking out of a late movie and roaming the Wortham courtyard on a steamy night before descending into the parking garage. 

I know there are other theaters. I know I can still walk downtown Houston any night of the week but, it makes me sad to have taken the Angelika (and all their free Wednesday screenings!) for granted. 

Okay now, Houston, listen up: if the River Oaks Theatre were to close, I really will move. 


Dahnya said...

For the record: the last movie I watched there was Sex & the City II with Claudia back in July.

Having the theater shut its doors shouldn't come as such a shocker because it was a Sunday afternoon with just Claudia, two other movie patrons and myself watching the Fab Four strut their stuff in the middle east...

Oscarelmexicanopics said...

Pandi: Is this what you are talking about? I know the sad feeling on places that you don't go to anymore, because of the distance, or because you moved to another city/country, and when you have the chance it is just to find out that it was on your random memory somewhere!

Good posting!

Becca said...

:-( I never went there, but always wanted to. What a bummer.

And the River Oaks theater was close to shutting its doors awhile back, I thought, and then the troops really did rally and saved the show!

And all the midnight screenings of Rocky Horror Picture Show. :-)

Wyatt said...

I have to admit... I've never been. But we do need to make a trek to River Oaks theater just in case!

Leila! said...

I had no idea!!!