Tuesday, September 7, 2010


To further extend on the Griswold's trip out to Brenham- my family was patient enough to wait as I snailed my way through the most fantastic little store in their historic downtown, Antique Gypsy. There were so many treasures to behold! The store owner has a knack for setting up areas. There were so many I just wanted to scoop up and take with me. I must make it a point to come back when I actually have money to spend and forgo the camera for some shopping. 

My personal favorites? The endless handkerchiefs & the cute little pandas/people lamp! Although I did love the converted cake stands with the sweet cake pin cushion...I just fell in love over and over again. Lotto win, where are you?!

My only suggestion to the Gypsy people? Less creepy doll displays, please!

1 comment:

Leila! said...

These pictures are awesome. It makes me want everything!
Minus those creepy, creepy dolls!