Sunday, August 28, 2011

Running record, part II

It's been a few weeks but, I am happy to announce that I am two days away from completing my C25K challenge! I may not have been faithful to the blogging world thanks to an avalanche of work but I did not let that get in the way of working my way through the 9 weeks of running I had set for myself.

Has it been hard?
Has it been rewarding?
Have I noticed a difference?

For starters, let me explain that running one block for me was a giant milestone. To be able to continuously run for 30 minutes is something of a minor miracle in itself. The C25K peeps are geniuses. But I have to say, a lot of the credit has to be given to a sign that was posted up at school by an infamous boxer:

“Champions aren´t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision.”

I know it sounds crazy (and lame) but this sign has been my drive to getting up at 4:30 every morning before work. I'm not quite sure what about it touches me as much as it does but it has kept me going when I don't want to wake up, when I don't want to keep running, when I don't want to sweat in the middle of our drought and whatever other excuses I make as my alarm blares. 

I'm bummed because no, I do not have a picture of the banner hanging outside a corridor at KIPP. It was actually removed last week! It stuck around long enough to enter my life when I needed it. Thank you Mr. Ali for being my conscience throughout it all.

Check it: Ali had a white dog, too!

So, what's my plan for the future?

Me joining a real 5K and treating myself to my sneakers. Both these are currently on hold until Mildred comes across a financial breakthrough (in other words, some mon-ay). But I cannot wait until they both come into fruition!

Otherwise, my morning jogs are to remain a daily imprint of my day. I find the days I do not run, I feel gross and lethargic. Even with the nasty slime of August humidity enveloping me, having a panting Doakes by my side while forcing my body to push itself, clears my head for the day.

I am more energetic, even with the long hours I am now working.
I find I am more optimistic about things- maybe because I can reason out whatever troubles me as I run the neighborhood.
I find my skin is glowing and that my legs are looking better (as is my butt)! These could all be in my head but...apparently those endorphins are doing their job & I love it.

The only downer to all this is that I have lost exactly one pound since early July. Not cool. I keep hearing, "it's muscle...blah, blah" but the truth is my eating portions have remained the same. I need to go back to Bridezilla Dahnya mode and cut all portions in half if I am to get back into my birthday dress anytime soon.

Before losing my phone, I bought the second part to the C25K program. It's an app that is supposed to train you to run a half marathon. I really do not look forward to waking up at 4am during the week for this to take I may end up pushing it for a Doakes-Francis bonding activity to do on the weekends.

To be continued...

PS: this goes out to my Suter lady. Thank you for the sweet note via the postman!


Becca said...

Yay!!! Congratulations, my beautiful friend!

PS. It takes a lot longer for the inside to look healthy than the out so you saying you're feeling better is a great sign!

PPS. Hope we gave you enough leeway to plan for the next Girl's Night.

PPPS. Keep up the hard work and you shall be rewarded! That phone may yet make its way back to you. :-)

Darla said...

good luck! those benefits are life-changing now and for the future, too.

i've been in a rut lately, but good music gets me jogging. a good playlist goes a loooong way!

Anonymous said...

yay Dahnya!!! I am so impressed by your efforts and accomplishments!!!
if you ever want to switch it up come Zumba with me!!!

Delena said...

You can do it!!!!!! You are inspiring me to not give up on myself! I had two favorite dresses that I loved and had dreams of getting back into don't be like me and get back into that birthday dress!

Emily said...

Yay! I am impressed by your dedication! Keep us updated on your progress! :)

Wyatt said...

so awesome that you're almost finished with the C25K!!! I can't wait to run a 5K with you, you are going to feel like a million bucks!

The pride and accomplishment you will feel is going to mean so much more than any number you see on the scale!