Wednesday, January 18, 2012


One of my duties at school involves me standing outside ready to open car doors at 6:59 am (not a minute later). As much as I dread it, sometimes I look up and am gifted with a sunrise as pretty as this one:

One of my favorite guilty pleasure: catching up on juicy celebrity gossip via a mani. Especially when accompanied by my little sister.

 Which leads me to one of my other favorite things in the world, Ruggles Green tomato basil soup. Hands down the most delicious soup in the world! 

 Finally if you have not gone to a Muppets matinees. You are missing out, my friend. Nostalgia may be a huge component to my instant bewitchment but, then again, my 2nd grade afternoons consisted of coming home to Muppet Babies. 

And, to finish out my childhood throwbacks to the past, I really hope to make it out to watch Belle & the Beast in 3D this weekend! I can only begin to imagine how amazing the "be our guest" scene will be. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

must try that soup. it looks so good! love the morning clouds! :)